Your personal guide to discovering the facts about owning your own franchise business. The Franchise Connectors is owned and operated by Lauren Grant an affiliate partner with a professional group of franchise experts.

Are you thinking about business ownership but don’t know where to start?

Whether you are a previous business owners or first time owner who has been out-placed, downsized, retired, or are just ready to be their own boss, our clients turn to franchise business ownership because they feel, “There must be a better way!”

At Franchise Connectors our initial goal is to help you determine if business ownership is right for you and if so determine what type of franchise business would be a good match for you. With over 20 years of experience in franchise and business ownership, we are able to guide you through the steps to making an educated and well informed decision. We will provide you the steps of our proven process used by thousands of clients. There are no cost to our clients for our services.

Our process may determine business ownership isn’t the right path for you, but knowing that information at the beginning of your discovery process is valuable, and you won’t have to second guess yourself later wishing you had researched this path. We will work with you through your entire investigative process regardless of the outcome.